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14 March 2008

Welcome To All Visitors And Our Members

ThIs cLan Just foR mAncHesTer uNiTeD wHo LikeS mAncHesTer uNiTeD pLeaSe joIn tHis cLan.. oUr cLan is JusT a SimpLe cLan, buT heRe, We caN mEEt maNcheSteR unItEd's fans..
AnyWay, jUst Enjoy EveRyoNe..

- -Manchester United's Clan- -

MancHester uNiTeD's cLan's now have four members, who are me (fazsha), bboyz07, fazsha07, and fazrul. So, with the created of this clan, i hope that our member will become more. I also hope that our members to be honour in play any match..

With the created of this clan, ManChesTer uNiTeD's fan can get to combine together eventhough we all never seen each other before. We can share our thinking to each other about the power soccer and share our thinking to each other about manchester united and also about our clan.

Moreover, with the created of this clan, we can build the SPIRIT OF TOGETHERNESS in our body. Now a days, the spirit of togetherness is very important to become a good and a useful person.

So, all MancHestER uNiTeD's fans, your are invited to join --ManU-- that is Manchester United clan.

How To joiNeD??

  • To JoiN oUr Clan's, it iS jUst siMplE waY.
  • JusT wriTe yoUr reQuest to mY gUestBook iN POWER SOCCER bUt beFore ThAT u muSt logIN firST.
  • After You haD wRItE yoUr reQuesT, chaNge yOur tEam nAme to --ManU--
  • AnyoNe wHo waNt to jOiN ouR cLan's can joIn. We dO noT cArE aBOut tHe LeVeL

--ManU-- RuLes

* pLay HonOur.
* nO cHeaTing.
* RespECt oTher Clan aNd othER pLayEr.
* No LagS.
* nEveR gEt upSet oR aNGrY EasiLy.
* Any mEmbeR iN tHis cLan tHaT bReaK
The RuLes Of PoweR socCeR wiLL bE
* If soMeoNe fRom tHe --ManU-- cLan iNsuLts, seNd
mE a scReeNshoT/pRinTscReen.
* For FurTheR inForMaTioN, jUst e-mail mE to
* If ManChesTer uNiTeD caN be tHe BesT aMong tHE
bEst , wE aLso caN riGht??
* So , gO --ManU-- , gO..

ClaN oF pOwer SocceR

ThIs Clan iS speCiallY cReatE foR so wHo Have The AccOunt in PoweR sOccer caN jOin aNd Can bEcome tHis cLan's MemBers..tHis cLan Is oNe oF tHe toP cLAn in poWer SocCer's ClaN..

fazsha --ManU-- LeaDeR

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fazsha.the leader of this clan had been win when he is play a match against admin from Australia.this match is league match.but before this, he also had win when play match against the admin from Australia but it is in the official fazsha can go more good luck fazsha.have a nice day!!

--ManU-- OwNers Win tHe CuP

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fazsha win the cup.He had win the match for 4-1.But maybe his opponent has server error.Because of that, the cup's result that is 4-1 not shown..So keep it up fazsha.GooD LucK.

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fazsha win the OFFICIAL CUP : Asia & AU Expert Cup 282 2008.


ATTENTION: Beware of Password Fraud

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We have recently discover a player cholo10xxx conning victims to take over their account by promising free membership for certain period. Unfortunately, one of our member had been a victim and we would like to share a smart solution by him to get back the account if anyone had lost it before, go to "forget password" and fill in your user name and email, and retrieve the current password for your account. Anyway, our advice is not to give away your password to anyone in any situations!


fazsha07 is tHe First MembERs in thIS cLan.wElcoMe to oUr cLan fazsha07.. fazsha07 is a GooD pLaYer.. So, gooD Luck To fazsha07.. hopE yOu wiLL becOMe vEry gOod pLayer..

Our HighLight

